Wednesday, September 15, 2010

long distance..

this isn't the easy kind of relationship. takes extra effort. conveying emotions are a lot more taxing. but i guess, its just a question of "is it worth it?" my boyfriend and i had been together for 20 months now. and i must say, it's been a tough journey. there were humps & bumps, ups & downs. 'twas a roller coaster ride indeed. just like any other couple, we went thru all kinds of craps, but the only thing that defines us from the others maybe is that we never give up. he has always been  worth the fight for me. i would not dare trade him for anything in the world. i have adjusted my plans for him, i have "architected" alternative solutions from a-z just to fit everything and make complicated situations a lot more bearable. he kept strong in times i get weakened and i maintained my sanity in times we almost lost hope. working it all out was never a paved way. we protected each other. we disappointed each other. we loved each other. we challenged each other. we got each other. We frustrated each other. We wanted each other. We hurt each other.

but in the end, it's still "us" who matters. having found home in each other..

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