Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Love in the hands of fate♥ [an import from my "realdeal" blog]

it was one fateful latenight battle with insomnia- a usual struggle of driving myself to sleep, when i did this very simple gesture which i never thought would really make a big shift in my just all strted with a simple “hi” i made  few months ago.
love indeed is  never really a feasible thing =)
Initially, i was just fond of him, he was  quite so fun to talk with, and  i was almost everything he would never ever want to get involve with,=p. As we both were of the same view, little did we knw that something was already weaving.. there was a sure note of our’s falling for each other with every passing day.. We knew we liked each other but neither did he nor  i show up the mounting feelings we were keeping all along.
We started talking  more often- i love talking to him like i never really felt before with a guy - or atleast not in a long time. He was a tough guy, too much stiff , almost like a heartless harsh  soul- kinda straight-forward and inconsiderate while i was a sarcastic free spirit with a helly care on things. i was  like always ready with a logical answer, “I live in reality, i don’t need people who loves to cause drama in my life -  a practical specie thats so typically me.  Never had i seen it coming. he was a nice guy, had a great sense of humor and the thing i liked in him was that he was sophisticated in a very simple way. He was a perfect example of “simplicity at its best”. We spent good times together, talking all night long  from topics like nonsense stuffs up  to our innermost feelings ( from wacky issues  to serious ones- even sex vs lovemaking? haha). Often we were caught laughing over so silly things and end up realizing were such like dorks and idiots and we cud only care less.
Everything  about him simply amuses me. When I realized all of these, my feelings began to shift - oh wait.. no, i guess its more of the feelings shifted first before i decided to have a change of mind (and heart?hehe)
he simply gave me all the best feelings that i could not even give reason to..
and now i started looking at the stars (even if its always raining here=P)wishing for some silly wishes with eyes closed and with a tight fist on the left while fingers crossed on the ryt haha. my wishlist?: well i think i cud share some:  sleeping at night snuggled next to him or cuddled up so gently and  waking up at nights just to see him sleeping innocently with a cute smile on his face..(so prfect) It wud be very beautiful & heartwarming i know..
We became quite good friends( as a start). I sometimes was a sentimental girl, a complete emotional- wreck.. and alas - i had opened up with him even the most sensitve issues of my life and everything about me.
He was just opposite to me just as i am the opposite of his ideal girl.then he strted teasing me a lot for my “artistic” looks coz of my dressing style.. well, he got lots of styles too  that sometimes just makes me mad though he was nvr really aware of it. he even hurt me at some points without even having a lil idea at all but somehow I never could stay angry on him for more than an hour or so.. I always knew I had those teeny weeny hots for him from day one (hmm?was it day one?haha)..
He was too choosy when it came to his dream girl (she has to have that something over her head - that i even wondered if he was looking for a princess diana reincarnate?haha. According to him, she should be someone kinda all wrapped-up  , whereas here i am, an all too fabby  girl who’s so carefree with whatever she wishes to wear and whatever she wishes to flaunt  - see the difference? haha.. I knew he would never see me as someone he could be with
someday- well thats what i think!.. But not all things could really be predicted and planned. we just cnt forewarn ourslves either, as to what is really in there, days after..
well i did forewarn myslf? it was like a mind over matters of the heart thing?haha I tried my best to snatch myslf away from him but no gains - to no avail i kept on looking at his pic (wahaha).. I used to have these creepy creepy vibes causing goosebumps in me everytime i felt something either so sudden or so
unexplainable or simply just so unacceptable like so yikee and so “baduy” for me - and yet all i could do is sigh*..was it a sort of being in a state of oblivion?(my own style of being the denial queen?haha) but no - its my choice to embrace it..
i just luvit! the teasing games that would last for hours..walking out and turning about face few secnds aftr,haha it was all very sweet sweet and romantic.. It was a good, funny start.. The next days and weeks after, were just simply  great: great  times, great talks, loud hearty laughs- imagining him  like me
hugging him & kissing his neck from behind or those “coded greeny stuffs” we used to share like the not so french suck kiss he said, down to the kkh and bf with kms then rolling over in bed and finally the lm thing,hahaha.. every day is a, cant totally explain was all spontaneous, nothing planned at all.. this is one of the most passionate things that ever happened to me in a long time.. Well, our days after that very frst night of “simple gesture” , went about even perfectly ( not literally prfct coz we also have our different versions of “topaks”- i just prefer to call it perfect coz thats what&how i felt?[charing,haha].
And the most unexpected yet the best thing that happened- we ended up falling in love with each other knowing all the possible dangers & hassles of such a kind of relationship: complexities,conflicts,differences, clashes, doubts, fears, arguments, petty issues - pasts, girls, k’s & g’s as he said.. but it just didn’t matter to us, all we knew was that I loved him and he loved me.. exchanging sweet nothings and promises just feels so perfect- im scared too cant deny that but im just holding on to this faith that  this unique long-distance relationship will work -just me & him …and i can content myslf on that for now - i know everything else will just follow, im only leaving it all to the hands of fate- ilovehim -  that plain&simple.. and nothing else matters…
Im posting this just to share how wonderful i felt inside - wonderful momnts, wndrful chances, wnderful twist of fate..
Distance just doesnt matter guys, if the love in your heart is true and pure…believe me, i ve been there too - a non-believer of a long distance affair - but ive come to realize that if it indeed makes you happy?then why not give it a shot? happiness isnt like a freebie that u cud just get along with a random item you pick at a store - so might as well hit it back once it hits you - true happiness might just struck once and no “what ifs” could anymore change the course of everything once youve decided to let it flew away =)
for now, I will just be waiting for him .. for “my sundo”..
he is my accidental mentor and this is a lesson i learned by chance: Never underestimate the amazing power of love to change hearts and mindsets. Love can even give fresh inspiration to tackle what seems to be impossible.

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